The Wild, Wacky World of…..PAPER!

I won’t call this blog EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT PAPER BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK, because a humble blog is no place to discuss everything there is to know about paper. That would take a book. Or an encyclopedia. Paper can be described by its characteristics. First, there is weight. This is usually expressed either as gsms (grams per square meter) or pounds. On any ream-wrapped paper, you will normally find both measurements. Second, paper is described by its grade. Some different grades include bond, text, cover, coated, offset and label. Third, white paper has a particular…

What To Do When Things Go Wrong

Let’s face facts, life bears little resemblance to a fairy tale, and occasionally things might not go according to plan. Things ever go wrong for you? Yeah, I thought so! Murphy’s Law wasn’t ratified for no reason, after all! The key to successfully navigating when things go awry seems to be how you react. For simplicity’s sake, let’s just assume there are two ways things go wrong… YOU cause the problem or error The error or problem happens TO you When the problem was caused by YOU or your staff, team or associates, and YOU are responsible, what should you…

favorite book

Feeling A Bit At Sea…Anchor Yourself With An Old Favorite

If you are like me, you probably have a stack of old favorite books that you haven’t looked at in awhile. Perhaps you haven’t even thought about them. They are favorites, though, for a very important reason: they made some sort of noticeable impact on your life, at some point in time. Why not dust one off and give it another look? Was it a book that taught you a valuable and timeless lesson? Were you inspired and uplifted by the subject matter? Did you feel transported above the day-to-day, into the realm of the sublime? Was your moral compass…