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Pleasure and pain are two opposite forces, each sending different signals to the brain. The pleasure signal gives the message: you should be getting more of this. The pain signal gives the equally, if not more, important message: you probably shouldn’t be doing this. When you are at work, you deal with these competing signals every day. There are some chores or tasks that bring pleasure, some that bring pain, and some that are most likely neutral. Is there a way to minimize or control those painful tasks or interactions? It would be worthwhile to try to do so if
Life is full of choices…so many options from which to choose. Just ambling down a grocery store aisle reminds us that every day, every hour, every minute, every moment practically, we need to make decisions. Granted, most are small choices, not weighty ones, and that is a good thing! It is easy to become mired in so many potential decisions, and we can become afflicted with “paralysis analysis” or “decision fatigue” which prevents us from moving forward. A good strategy to assist with this affliction is to simply put things in proper perspective. Ask a few questions, like: Is anyone
You know what I’m talking about, right? Everything seems to be going wrong. People say bad things happen in threes, but what happens when the bad things are actually DAYS and you have THREE IN A ROW?? Our lives are so full, so busy, overpacked with responsibilities. Work, family, friends, community. With our time so “spoken for,” how do we handle when things go wrong? Do we have any “fudge” time built in to deal with problems? Speaking personally, I’ll have to admit that I do not. And that in itself is a problem. When stressed and committed to the

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