Do Not Undertake to Underestimate

Are you guilty of underestimating people on occasion? I know I am, and, I often discover, to my own detriment. It’s easy to do, though, isn’t it? Judging a book by its cover, making a snap decision about someone else’s abilities without any reasonable evidence, having your mind closed to unexpected possibilities. Sometimes in life, people rise to your expectations of them. Similarly, if you have low expectations, people tend to meet them as well. How can you find out for sure if you are underestimating the abilities of another person? Perhaps pursue that evidence I just mentioned…Ask a question,…

The Road to Prosperity is Paved with Good Deeds

Call it Karma, call it Paying It Forward, call it Doing Unto Others, call it whatever you like, but doing nice or helpful things for other people will come back to you eventually. I’m not proposing you do for others while neglecting yourself, your family or your company! You should not to “give til it hurts.” Often, it is the little things that count, not spending money. Holding the door for someone whose hands are full with coffee and a briefcase. Getting someone a condolence card after the loss of a pet Offering to take “the new guy” to lunch…

I’m Just a Girl Who Can Say No…and Does, Frequently

There’s something to be said for amiability. Smiling pleasantly, getting along, going along. People like amiable people. You know what happens to those who are so affable, so unbelievably agreeable? They get stuck doing EVERYTHING! That used to be me, I’ll admit it. I’m a people pleaser, I like making people happy. It’s great to bask in the warmth of someone’s glowing appreciation for your thoughtfulness and consideration. Until you start to suffer. There’s only so many hours in a day, so many minutes in an hour. If you’re always “doing” for someone else, then you’re the one who is…