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“The world can be a crazy ride.” Do you ever feel that way? I know I do, and I know a lot of my clients, friends and coworkers do too. Do you have someone that can calm things down for you, who helps make your life easier? If you do, I’ll bet you really appreciate them. That is how we at Curry Printing try to treat our clients, and one another. Each of us tries to make the lives of our clients easier, less stressful, and perhaps even happier. I was given advice years ago by a valued client who
You know how when you hear something new and before you have experienced it firsthand, you’ve made a judgement about it? I’ll say we are all “guilty” of that, and I use the word “guilty” because it’s never great to “pre-judge” something before having enough data to make a fair observation. However, I’ll give us a all a free pass, mostly because our worlds are filled with so much data that, in order to keep our sanity, we must be able to form snap judgements. The alternative is to be constantly overwhelmed by all our brains take in. When I
It was the best of calls; it was the worst of calls. Recently, I received a fantastic email from Southwest Airlines…I qualify for A-List Status finally! Hallelujah! I’m not sure how that affects me as a human being, but it’s got to be good, right? Who doesn’t want to feel special, elite, appreciated? Even though one of my daughters is a lawyer, I didn’t want to bother her to help me puzzle out the legalese that detailed what these elusive A-List benefits are to me, since she’s too busy trying to put very bad actors in prison. So, I did

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