Would a Little Follow Up Kill You?

Feast or famine. When it comes to follow up, this is what happens: You either are stalked hourly by a robocomputer emailing you about your unclaimed shopping cart on a website you visited by accident 3 years ago, or you get crickets from the person who took time to come out, meet with you, ask you pointed questions, so much so that you feel compelled to file a missing person’s report on him. Why does appropriate follow up seem like such a daunting challenge? If you are in sales (and these days, we all are, pretty much), and you respond…

Is There Anything Else I Can Help You With? Anything At All?

Pet peeve time. You buy something. Or travel somewhere. Or make plans. And something goes awry. What you ordered came in wrong. Or late. Or not at all. Your hotel room was not what you expected. Or too loud. Or dirty. Your restaurant reservations were lost. Or the food was bad. Or the service was rude. You know what I mean. What do you do? You could email, or post to social media, or go straight to skewering on Yelp. Or you could call customer service and try to get a resolution. After spending an hour online trying in vain…

asking for help


There are 2 types of people in the world. Those who ask for help at every possible opportunity, often appearing to be lazy whiners, and those who never ask for any help ever, giving the impression of stubborn stoics. Which category do you identify with? Me? I’m firmly in the second, and albeit a bit self-righteously, I happen to think my group far superior to the first. However, given enough contemplation on the subject, I’m starting to think we ain’t so grand either. We all know “that guy” who will ask a coworker a question rather than find out the…