Here’s a Holiday Bonus

It’s that time of year again, the time for giving to others. Did you know that your brain reacts more favorably and rewards you more when you GIVE rather than RECEIVE? Crazy, I know, but true! As a business owner, I give and receive all year long. I give paychecks, benefits, food, and praise to my team and in return I receive a work product that I can sell. By its very nature, there is a symbiotic relationship between business owner and employee. When that relationship is not in balance, the employee can leave, or the business owner can fire…


I’m Not Trying to Complain

Good Excuse to Complain Who doesn’t love to complain? Admit it, when you are upset about some issue or perceived slight or unmet expectations, doesn’t it feel good to just let loose on the representative of said irritation? I’ll cop to my share of venting inappropriately. With my advancing age comes greater experience and breadth of view. It occurred to me recently that HOW you complain can be the difference between getting a happy resolution or simply raising your own blood pressure. While I hate to continue to quote tired old saws, “you catch more bees with honey than with…

2018…The Year of Customer Service

Some days you are on the giving end of it, some days, the receiving end. As important as it is for you to get it, it is even MORE important for you to give it. To what am I referring? Why, Customer Service, of course! You know how important good customer service is to you when you are making buying decisions…what restaurants to dine in, which shops to patronize, what merchandise to buy. Try practicing the “Golden Rule” as it applies to customer service and be an example of how to give great service in your own job. Even if…