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This seems very counterintuitive based on all we hear in the media. If you want to “save the environment” you are begged to not print out that email, right? WRONG! In this country, there are very few more “sustainable” and “eco-friendly” products than paper. Paper is made from a renewable resource and is fully recyclable. Paper manufacturers use renewable energy sources. Paper manufacturers carefully manage their raw materials, trees and forests, and are committed to sustainable forestry. Continuously replanting and regrowing forests, like the paper industry, does help the environment. Paper is inexpensive, user friendly and rarely has a virus!
bad apple
You’ve heard the old saw, one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel? Well, it’s true. Have you experienced how one negative person can sour an entire roomful of otherwise happy people? DON’T BE THAT GUY! Don’t be the one complaining about your job. Or the weather. Or your in-laws. Or the traffic. Maybe you are not the biggest optimist in the world, maybe you are more of a realist? If so, then you should avoid bad apples at all costs! Don’t you feel happier and better when you associate with cheerful, optimistic people? Doesn’t being with someone who is
Smelly, drooling, needy, hairy, shedding, hungry, hyper. No, I’m not talking about husbands, I’m talking about dogs! Yes, dogs can have all of those mildly negative characteristics, but try these: Loyal, friendly, loving, faithful, warm, caring, life-extending. Now, you’re talking! Pets can truly be your lifeline during trying and difficult times, such as recessions or personal economic downturns. You can turn to them for loving comfort, for unwavering affection, for non-judgmental support, for unconditional forgiveness. Yes, pets require a great deal of work. There is the cost associated with food, health care, toys, etc. You have to exercise them. You have to

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